Monday 30 April 2012

Fire and Rescue Cadet Marching

            Wow! What an amazing experience. It had been three years, since the last time I joined school march for uniform unit and the last one that I joined is the Scout in my primary school.
            I didn’t expect that I can perform a bit well in marching on the day of Mahrajan Kawad Kaki was held-29 April 2012 . I joined Fire and Rescue Cadet in marching on that day because I feel pity for them because they didn’t have enough file. In other words, I am like a hero that appear in the last minute in this story.
            Eventhough we got the second place for the under government category, we still can have the smiley face on our lineaments. At first, for the static and dynamic part, we have no problem in doing so (I think so) .When it comes to the formation part,  Subhana-Allah, only Allah knows. For the first and second formation, it is still okay, but it is like the first sign of bad omen when its’ come to the third and fourth (last) formation. Our stamp start to become disordered and I forgot to say ‘KADET’ for the voice formation (last formation).
            Oh, before I forgot. Thanks to Muqri for lending me your Fire and Rescue Cadet uniform (actually just the trouser) . I also want to say thanks as my appreciation to those who had gave guidance and make me feel passion to march this year.
What a happy hour! 

                          Some of the Fire and Rescue Cadet Marcher

Sunday 1 April 2012


This synopsis is based on a glance:

The story revolves around the life of Lucy Beck, a young secretary whose problems start when her predecessor Miss Broome refuses to let go of her position. Lucy's troubles become more complicated as Miss Broome is already dead but manages to cause her difficulties in the one task that she has been trained in and that is typing letters. At first Lucy is about to give up her position as she can't possibly fight a ghost. However she soon realizes that all problems could be resolved with a little compassion.

Smoking Jeopardise Life

            Smoking is quite popular habit among society these days. Smokers not only can be found among adults but also teenagers. It is disheartening to see how teenagers end up being involved in such unhealthy activity.
            Almost nine out of ten tobacco users start smoking before they are eighteen years old. People rarely start to smoke once they are adults. But if smoking is bad, then why do teenagers start doing it?
            Actually, there are no physical reasons to start smoking. People do not need tobacco like they need food, water, sleep and exercise. Most people say they start because of social reasons. One of the reasons why teenagers smoke is to try to look older or mature. Some may think that smoking or chewing tobacco makes them more cool or good-looking like a movie star.
            There may be many other reasons to explain why teenagers done all these. Perhaps they have been neglected by their parents. Perhaps it is peer pressure or even temptation and want to try something new.
            Smokers can easily be identified. They smell like nicotine and stale smoke. They also have bad breath and yellowish stain on their fingers and teeth. Face wrinkles will also appear at an early age and looks fatigue.
            However, there are many other effects which are far more hazardous such as cancer. Smokers are at a high risk of developing cancer than non-smokers. Smokers often develop cancers of the throat, mouth and lungs. Furthermore, nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes increase heart rate which means that it will raises the risk of high blood pressure and ultimately leads to heart attacks.
            Teenagers are blessed with the chance to having a brighter future. Whatever the reason may be, it cannot justify why teenagers should choose such unhealthy activity. To those who are smoking, please stop it. Reduce cigarettes consumption slowly and set a date to quit. It is better to use the radical way because the earlier we quit from smoking, more life can be saved. As the saying goes, prevent is better than cure. It is up to us either to lead a healthy life or the opposite.