Friday, 25 May 2012

I am not a girl okay!!!

Need to act as Rose, the female character in the drama Gulp and Gasp.
Well, it is not surprising at all that I’d been chosen to play as a young lady for the drama.
Most of the pupils in the school thought that I am a metroman and effeminate.
Actually, if they know me well, they will say that I am a bad boy and ‘kerek’.à Try ask Izzudin Hilmi's opinion about me.
          Well, anyway, I need to please with the decision that had been made by my classmates. Please give guidance to me ‘cause I’m still new in acting field.

For your information, gay had been categorized into two:
1. Top
This type of man usually have a mascular body and play  as men in the gay world.
2. Bottom
This type of man will play and act as girl in the activity (often called ‘mak nyah  ). This type of man usually have soft skin, dressed like a girl and using lipstick.

P/S: Please don’t  think that I’m a gay because I act as a young lady and please don't make any other nickname for me.


  1. 'i am still new in acting field'
    hahaha..i like the statement

    i believe that you can play a role as 'Rose' very have high self-esteem..Keep it up!!

    1. i agree with you
      Zack have high self-esteem

  2. Zack, please give comment to your friends' post because giving comments to peers' post is one of the activities in this blog project..join their blog as well ok..

    Thanks for cooperation

  3. Metroman?
    i always heard people call me metroman, but i am not quite sure what does it mean..i must find its meaning..haha

    By the way, you are a good boy, Zack
    i really hope you can bring the character of Rose
    I hope 4 Ghaza will win!

    1. i believe that you can do it,zack ..;D
      ALL THE BEST for your performance, and OUR performance too.. :D

    2. a very supportive comment..
